Honda Portable Generators Everywhere
Whilst on Holiday in beautiful and sunny Gisborne, one of our sales team ordered a healthy drink from Early Bird Organics at the local market. Out back was the super handy and super powerful - EU30iK 'Handy' Honda portable generator.
Honda Portable Generators Power Up Leadfoot
8 years ago Motor racing legend Rod Millen has a massive party for his 60th birthday. The hundreds of guests had such a great time that they made him do it again.
The Home of Honda
Over the past couple of months we've been highlighting the various Blue Wing Honda stores that also sell Honda Power Equipment. You might not know that you get our full range of portable generators, lawnmowers, pumps, brush cutters and engines the same place you can get your new motorcycle. Well, you can!
There are over 50 Blue Wing Honda stores throughout New Zealand and we've been posting about them on our Facebook page to let everyone know they are a great place to head to get the very best in outdoor power equipment.
So, where is your 'Home of Honda'? And what is it that makes your town special?
Honda Generators in The Shed
The benefits and features of our Honda Generators were featured in the March edition of The Shed.
HIANZ Annual Conference
Once again Honda Power Equipment were represented at the Hire Industry Association of New Zealand's annual conference. -
Hansa Chippers Move to New Premises
Hansa Chippers opened their brand new purpose built premises in Hamilton this month and Honda Power Equipment representatives were there to wish them more continued success.
Talk to a Honda Partner
BA Pumps and Sprayers have been running their successful business since 1989 and throughout that time they have been using Honda engines to put power where it is needed.
Get the Bees Pumping with Honda
We caught up with apiarist Leon Nugteren from Ecobees Ltd in Tauranga. For years they manually moved the liquid sugar feed to the hives using bucket after bucket. -
Stolen Generators - Recovered
Here's a short article to highlight the importance of warranty registration for your Honda Power Equipment products.
Mean Mower Breaks the Record
The Honda HF2622 is officially the world's fastest lawnmower.