Honda Page Outdoors
Cordless Battery Range
- WB20 Water Pump
Pump Type: Centrifugal volume pump
Total Head: 32 m
Max Discharge Capacity: 600 litres/min
$899 $949 - Portable Inverter GeneratorsEU22i Inverter Generator
Engine: GX120R
Maximum AC Output: 2200 W
Rated AC Output: 1800 W
$2,499 $2,699 - HF2417 Ride On Mower
Catcher Capacity: 300 litres
Lawn Size: Suitable for lawns up to 6,000m² (1.5 acres)
$10,199 $10,499 - HF2625 Ride On Mower
Catcher Capacity: 350 litres
Lawn Size: Suitable for lawns up to 8,000m² (2 acres)
$12,499 - IZY-ON™ HRG416 Mower Kit
Weight: 22.5 kg
Cutting Width: 410 mm
Catcher Capacity: 42 litres
$749 $1,097
Honda Outdoors
Engineering for Life

The Pinnacle of Portable Power
Our most popular portable generator, the EU22i offers quiet operation, commercial quality power and easy starting. All in a lightweight, portable package so that you can have power on the go.
News & Events
See What's Happening at Honda
Hansa Chippers Move to New Premises
Hansa Chippers opened their brand new purpose built premises in Hamilton this month and Honda Power Equipment representatives were there to wish them more continued success.
Get the Bees Pumping with Honda
We caught up with apiarist Leon Nugteren from Ecobees Ltd in Tauranga. For years they manually moved the liquid sugar feed to the hives using bucket after bucket.Mean Mower Breaks the Record
The Honda HF2622 is officially the world's fastest lawnmower.
The Honda Generator Big Rig
Honda Power was supplied this image of five, yes 5, generators hooked up to a big rig truck from New Zealand Generator Hire Company Hooked On Power.
Make Your Next Project Honda Powered
Our customers use Honda engines to power a range of machines, from simple backyard go-karts to industrial-sized movable saw mills.
Honda Brush Cutters - Ideal for Farm
See what Nigel Woodhead, on his farm in South Otago, thinks of his Honda Brush cutter.
Post Hole Borer Power
If you are digging lots of holes and you can't get a tractor to do it, you need to have a post hole borer that is up to the task.